USE DISCOUNT CODE: START2024 at checkout to receive $100 USD off this course enrollment. This beginners watercolor painting course is taught in Spanish. In this live, online and interactive course with Melisa Mijares as your guide, you will learn the foundational techniques of watercolor painting. You will learn from her expertise in this medium as you receive real-time feedback in each class; and benefit from the learnings and feedback of your classmates in a small virtual classroom environment.
The beginner course is an immersive experience that consists of four live online classes over zoom video. The course covers essential techniques while incorporating the tools and materials you’ll be using as you begin your artistic journey in the watercolor painting medium.
Class Schedule:
Class 1: Sunday, January 21st, at 11:00am-12:30pm Central Standard Time
Class 2: Sunday, January 28th, at 11:00am-12:30pm Central Standard Time
Class 3: Sunday, February 4th, at 11:00am-12:30pm Central Standard Time
Class 4: Sunday, February 11th, at 11:00am-12:30pm Central Standard Time
You will learn:
- How to manipulate water on paper with different pigment applications
- How to create textures and volume through brushwork
- How to conceptualize and put together a pallet, including composition, mixing and creating colors
When you enroll in this course, your purchase includes:
- Four 90-minute live classes over Zoom video led by Melisa Mijares with a small class capped at 15 students.
- Access to the live recorded classes
- Access to class group chat & the opportunity to form friendships & community
- A digital package of additional resources including:
- The syllabus with class details & objectives
- Visual resources for the classes and for personal use
- Printable templates to watercolor
- Short online shopping list of materials needed for the course
- A certificate of completion signed by Melisa Mijares
Please note!
- These classes are delivered over Zoom video. You will need to install Zoom (for free) and create an account (a free account will be fine)
- You will need to purchase your own materials if you don’t already have them; we will provide you with pre-filled Amazon and Blick shopping carts with the course materials needed; the lists include suggested brands/supplies for you to choose from and which we will be using during this course. We have created a few options for different budgets; all of the materials suggested in the lists have been personally vetted by Melisa, and are materials she uses herself.
We are in no way affiliated with, or legally endorsing, or in any way profiting from, any of the suggested brands or materials on these lists; neither Amazon, nor Blick are in any way affiliated with us either.